
So, back to this track.

On Wed, May 05, 2010 at 10:59:32AM +0200, Russell King wrote:
> On Wed, May 05, 2010 at 11:42:04AM +0300, Eduardo Valentin wrote:
> > I'm resending this series with minor change in the subject prefix of patch 
> > 4/4.
> > Removed the PM: prefix. Everything else is same. So, I kept the v3 prefix 
> > as well.
> I'd much prefer to see a /proc/socinfo rather than extending
> /proc/cpuinfo to further include stuff which isn't CPU related.

Right. I agree that this is not CPU stuff. But I was trying to do not add new 
to export those bits.

But the socinfo is actually a nice idea. I will resend this series, but now it 
will create the
socinfo and use it.

As it adds new stuff under /proc, I'll also cc lkml.

Thanks for the suggestion.


Eduardo Valentin
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