On Wed, 9 Jun 2010 da...@lang.hm wrote:

> why could the suspend blocker process see all events, but the power 
> manager process not see the events?
> have the userspace talk to the power manager the way it does to the 
> suspend blocker now and what's the difference?
> effectivly think s/suspend blocker/power manager/ (with the power manager 
> doing all the other things that are proposed instead of grabbing the 
> wakelock), the difference should be hidden to the rest of userspace.
> what am I missing here?

The main difference is that with a userspace power manager, programs
have to tell the power manager whenever they open or close a
wakeup-capable device file (and send it a copy of the file descriptor).  
With an in-kernel implementation these extra steps aren't needed,
because of course kernel drivers already know when their device files
are opened or closed.

Alan Stern

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