
  Should I be able to use the latest omap-linux-2.6 on this board?  I

git clone 
cd linux-omap-2.6; make omap2plus_defconfig ARCH=arm; make

  I get some warnings when it boots but it fails to setup the
networking (smsc911x) correctly.  The boot log is here

  Just wondered if anyone has any ideas?

  Thanks much for any help.

                                                                  | |
                                                                  / /__
.----------------------------------------------------------._____/ (___)
| Rick Bronson    rick at efn dot org    Tel 541-485-7264  |       (___)
| Amazonia Computing http://www.efn.org/~rick      __ o    |_____  (___)
| 5050 Donald Street       Embedded Linux         _`\<,    |     \_(___)
| Eugene, OR  97405     Software Engineering   __( )/( )__ |
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