
On Sun, Dec 19, 2010 at 9:04 PM, Ming Lei <tom.leim...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> 2010/12/20 Charles Manning <mannin...@actrix.gen.nz>:
>> Hi All
>> With the change to the new omap-serial stuff, the device names have changed
>> from /dev/ttySn to /dev/ttyOn.
>> Using the "fit/form/function" argument, this would seem to be a bad idea.
>> The kernel does not exist in a vacuum. It is surrounded by u-boot scripts,
>> command line options, init scripts etc etc. Flipping back and forth between
>> 2.6.36 and 2.6.37 kernels for testing purposes needs these to be changed.
>> Annoying and anti-productive.
>> Isn't it just better to just replace the ttyOn name with ttyS. That would 
>> make
>> a far smoother transition.
>> Thoughts?
> In fact, the transition is not friendly indeed for a user. I don't know why
> the transition is introduced, for what purpose? Who can give a explanation?

Patch itself has one explanation, kernel commit is


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