On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 04:18:23PM +0000, Nguyen Dinh-R00091 wrote:
> >Hmm, that's nice - except for one issue.  According to my grep of
> >arch/arm/ and drivers/, nothing uses iram_alloc().  So, does anything in
> >the MX stuff use iram_alloc.c, or is it dead code left over from a
> >previous experiment?
> This function will be used for suspend code in the mx5x series. I just
> got done submitting a series of patches to Sascha for a simple suspend
> that does not need running code out of IRAM yet. The next set of suspend
> patches will be using these iram functions.

Okay, so does iram_alloc() need to return a dma_addr_t or a phys_addr_t ?
Are you dealing with physical addresses for it or DMA addresses?
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