
bit-field sometimes introduces locking problem.
for example, if one cpu loads the value "suspended",
it also loads other value ("_irq", "_io" ..) at the same time.
so it should not be used?


        u16                     suspended:1;

        /* Flags whether io, irq, win configurations were
         * requested, and whether the configuration is "locked" */
        u16                     _irq:1;
        u16                     _io:1;
        u16                     _win:4;
        u16                     _locked:1;

        /* Flag whether a "fuzzy" func_id based match is
         * allowed. */
        u16                     allow_func_id_match:1;

        /* information about this device */
        u16                     has_manf_id:1;
        u16                     has_card_id:1;
        u16                     has_func_id:1;

        u16                     reserved:4;

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