On Wed, Mar 25, 2015 at 11:15:52PM -0400, Nicholas Krause wrote:
> This fixes the memory found when running  coccinelle on the latest

How does this "fix the memory" ?  Is the memory faulty?

> kernel tree for if we are unable to successfully allocate memory
> for the structure pointer,sinfo of type skt_dev_info and need to
> clean up the memory already allocated to the clk structure pointer,
> clk by calling clk_get on it and freeing the no longer required
> mermory for this structure pointer.

This makes no sense.  clk_get() itself doesn't allocate any memory.  As
usual, you act as a mechanical automatom which doesn't understand what
you're doing or you just guess.  I don't care which it is, you are a
danger to the kernel by doing this.  As many other experienced kernel
developers have told you, please stop.

In any case, I'm NAKing your patch as there's better ways to solve this.
That's where experience and research come in.

Nevertheless, thanks for pointing out the oversight, and I notice that
there are a few more cases too.

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