
On Wed, 28 Oct 2009, Brian A. Seklecki wrote:

> All:
> Here are a few quick notes & photos on ripping the PERC6 out of an r710
> and replacing it with an Areca ARC-1680IX-12 :
> Photos:  http://digitalfreaks.org/~lavalamp/cp/thumbnails.php?album=52
> 1) The PERC6 performance is really poor.  It's really slow to
>   write on any RAID level.  In  RAID5, it averages writes ~30-50
>   MBps where as Areca cards average 300-400 MBps
>   - It's even faster with ZFS on FreeBSD/amd64 RELENG_8 and some
>     sysctl tweaks
>   - The management interface is horrible, the documentation for
>     the proprietary CLI is horrible, and after 10 years, its yet
>     to be integrated into the IPMI BMC
>   - It's probably not Dell's fault.  LSI/QLogic makes the
>     chip; blame them (But it's Dell that takes it in the hilt,
>     repeatably, with every generation of server, when they
>     renew the contract)
>     I used to get faster disk I/O in my SBUS QLogic FAS408 in my
>     SparcStation 20.
>     Anyway, you get what you pay for with Dell;.. but you can get a
>     lot more w/ Areca...for what you pay for with Dell!?
> 2) The latest r710 and PERC6 use the industry standard SAS SFF-8087
>   internal cable connector between the HBA and the backplane.
>   That means you can just swap out the HBA, or if you're one of
>   Dell's big embedded clients, order the unit w/o PERC6 or have
>   Dell ship you whatever you want (3Ware?), probably.
> 3) Installation of the Areca ARC-1680IX-12
>   We used a PCIe x8 SAS RAID Card 2/512mb Cache.  We purchased it
>   off of NewEgg.com for appropriately the same price as a PERC6 adds
>   to an r710.  The LCD monitor and battery put it slightly over.
>   The unit is PCIE-8x and there's 512 of DDR Cache onboard, 2GB
>   DDR addon, with up to 4GB addon (PERC can't compete here).
>   The card has it's own Intel IOP348 1200MHz CPU, an
>   IPv4-enabled firmware (Web, SSH, Telnet, SNMP, SMTP), and
>   very very decent mgmnt F/OSS support.
>   You can see photos of the ARC-1680X-12 in Pictures 10, 13, 14.
>   The external connectors on the card are:
>    - RS232 over RJ11/RJ14 (The included cable terminates to DB9M)
>    - Ethernet management
>    - External SAS SFF-8088
> 3.1) Installation Notes
>   In pictures 3 and 4, you can see the Dell SFF-8087 cables from
>   the PERC6 terminating into the backplane.  The cables run along
>   a raceway on the right side of the case (oriented look at the
>   faceplate)
>   In pictures 1 and 2, if you remove the CPU/RAM cover and front
>   fan bank, you can see the cables in the raceway.
>   Trace them back to the PERC6 and disconnect them from the HBA
>   (Dell used a proprietary ribbon connector on the PERC6 side;
>   good thinking Dell!  Look at how well proprietary worked for
>   IBM, Sun, etc.). This connector can be seen in picture 6 and 12.
> .
>   Pull the cables out of the raceway, then disconnect the SFF-8087
>   from the SAS backplane.
>   As you can see in picture 6, the PERC6 is secured in place in
>   a special PCIE port retainer that reminds me MCA or EISA cards
>   in my PS/2 servers.
>   The retainer is a T-16 hex nut head, as see in picture 8.  Failing
>   that, use an acetylene welder or plasma torch.
>   Install your Areca card on the top PCI-E 8x/16x port (picture 15)
>   Install the SFF-SFF cable, included with the Areca, as seen
>   in picture into the r710 backplane raceway. See picture 16
>   and 20
>   You may need to run multiple SFF cables depending on your
>   backplane configuration.
>   Note: 90 degree angled cables would be best.  Dell has the
>         custom made apparently, I can't find them on the
>         Interwebs, so I carefully bend the SFF connector.
>   Restore the fan array and CPU/RAM cover.
>   Note: Photo 21 the SAS/SFF cable goes above the cover, so
>         tuck the cover under the cable (90deg cable
>         mitigates this)
>   Final cable routing seen in Picture 22.
>   Restore case and experience an instantaneous "I/O'gasm' as
>   your $16k server screams to life.
>   Did I mention that the Areca has volume management
>   built into it? >:}
>   Walk directly to the local bar and buy everyone a few
>   rounds with the money you saved by having a few fast
>   severs instead a datacenter full of them trying to keep
>   up with the Slony backlog.
>   Good luck and let me know if you have any questions (or where to
>   find some slick SFF-8087 cables with a 90deg angle connector)
>   You can see a dmesg(8) for the r710 w/ areca for NetBSD/amd64
>   -current from last month at:
> http://www.nycbug.org/?NAV=dmesgd;f_dmesg=;f_bsd=;f_nick=;f_descr=;dmesgid=2016#2016

Splendid. Brian, you are one of the greatest. Really.
Thanks for this highlight.

Viele Gruesse
Eberhard Moenkeberg (emoe...@gwdg.de, e...@kki.org)

Eberhard Moenkeberg
Arbeitsgruppe IT-Infrastruktur
E-Mail: emoe...@gwdg.de      Tel.: +49 (0)551 201-1551
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