On Fri, December 18, 2009 15:25, Preston Hagar wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 4:22 PM, Philip Tait <phi...@subaru.naoj.org>
> wrote:
>> On 12/17/2009 11:39 AM, Jose-Marcio Martins da Cruz wrote:
>>> Philip Tait wrote:
>>>> We want to attach an MD1000 to a PE2900 in a non -RAID
>>>> configuration.
>>>> The Dell sales people are very convinced that we have to have a
>>>> PERC6/E to connect an MD1000, but they are doing further research.
>>> We have two MD1000 attached to a PE2950. We have a PERC5/E. With the
>>> PERC5/E you can have RAID 0 (stripe). So, if I understood what you're
>>>  wanting, you shall be able to create one RAID 0 volume for each
>>> disk, or a single RAID0 for all disks.
>> Thanks for the response, but I believe this would not work for our
>> application because the disks would require a PERC-equipped computer
>> for them to be readable. We want these drives to be readable on any PC
>> with a SATA interface.
> Honestly (an maybe someone can correct me) I don't think it is possible.
> I have pretty much never found a way to connect drives with a PERC5/E and
> MD1000 or even connected directly to a PERC5/i for that matter that
> doesn't add Dell mojo in between.  The best solution we found was to buy
> multiple PERC cards, save the configs once we had everything like we
> wanted it (doing RAID 0 on the hard drives to fake JBOD), and then
> loading that config on other machines to be backups. Still, if the MD1000
> went out, we still might be up a creek.  Although I generally love Dell
> hardware, it is one drawback I have found to the MD1000 and PERC cards is
> that they want their Dell specific voodoo in between.  We have even found
> that just buying drives for a third party vendor will seem to work
> sometimes, but often lead to flakiness. Apparently they all have to be
> matched drives with Dell firmware on the drives themselves to be fully
> supported (or at least that is what we have been told).

I guess you can't connect one of these with a plain SAS controller and
have the drives presented as plain physical drives?  You could do that
with the old SCSI Powervaults.

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