Interesting... I have that package and I still have the problem on some 

# rpm -q|grep srvadmin-storelib
rpmq: no arguments given for query

# rpm -q srvadmin-storelib

# omreport storage vdisk
List of Virtual Disks on Controller  (Slot )

# omreport storage controller
No controllers found


Erinn Looney-Triggs wrote:
> My apologies if this has already been posted up. I too ran into the "No 
> controllers found" issue after updating some of my systems to openmanage 
> 6.2, I noticed however that after installing the firmware update 
> packages the issue went away. It appears that doing a yum install 
> dell_ft_install pulled in two extra packages one of which appears to fix 
> the issue.
> The package is:
> srvadmin-storelib-sysfs       
> The other package that is pulled in is:
> srvadmin-storelib-libpci
> This second package does not appear to be needed in order to get 
> omreport storage controller to work but your mileage may vary.
> You can manually install these packages after you update, then
> give openmanage a restart. Thus far it has picked up the storage 
> controller for me (I have another 50 or systems to update openmanage on 
> so I will update the list if it fails). So this would appear to just be 
> a dependency resolution issue for the openmanage packages, one or both 
> of these should be added as a dependency and the problem should go away.
> Hope this helps,
> -Erinn
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