On Tue, 2010-02-09 at 10:47 -0700, Stephen Dowdy wrote:
> Mark Watts wrote:
> > OK, here's what I have:
> >
> > - Running system with a single-disk RAID-0 (disk 0:0:0)
> > - Spare disk of same model/capacity, from another PERC5 (disk 0:0:1)
> >
> > I want to be able to get into a state where I can raid-level-migrate and
> > convert the current virtual disk (0:0:0) into a RAID-1 mirror.
> >
> > Currently, the fact that disk 0:0:1 contains a foreign config is
> > preventing this.
> >
> > I do, however, have a spare 1950/PERC5 chassis I can put the disk in,
> > although I can't see any way in the PERC bios to clear any configuration
> > present on the disk - clearing the foreign config on a different PERC
> > doesn't seem to do that in quite the way you expect.
> >
> > Mark
> Mark,
> Does the LSI MegaCLI utility work for you?
> MegaCli -CfgForeign -Clear [x] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
>         x - index of foreign configurations. Optional. All by default.
> and if you want to completely clear the entire drive:
> MegaCli -PDClear -Start|-Stop|-ShowProg |-ProgDsply
>         -PhysDrv [E0:S0,E1:S1,...] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
> Something like:
> MegaCli -pdclear -start -physdrv '[32:1]' -a0
> (often the internal drive enclosure is "32", and i presume your drive
> will be
> in enclosure slot "1")
> --stephen

It's giving me slightly conflicting results:

# /opt/MegaRAID/MegaCli/MegaCli -CfgForeign -Scan -a0
There is no foreign configuration on controller 0.

# /opt/MegaRAID/MegaCli/MegaCli -pdInfo -PhysDrv[8:1] -a0
Enclosure Device ID: 8
Slot Number: 1
Device Id: 1
Sequence Number: 11
Media Error Count: 0
Other Error Count: 0
Predictive Failure Count: 0
Last Predictive Failure Event Seq Number: 0
Raw Size: 70007MB [0x88bb93a Sectors]
Non Coerced Size: 69495MB [0x87bb93a Sectors]
Coerced Size: 69376MB [0x8780000 Sectors]
Firmware state: Unconfigured(good)
SAS Address(0): 0x5000c50004901ba1
SAS Address(1): 0x0
Connected Port Number: 1 
Inquiry Data: SEAGATE ST373455SS      S5133LQ0XWSY
This Drive Is Foreign.

I have just done a full clear of the drive history:

# /opt/MegaRAID/MegaCli/MegaCli -pdClear -start -PhysDrv[8:1] -a0

And it does appear to have cleared the drive - OMSA and MegaCli gave me
a progress bar, but its still showing as Foreign in OMSA and through

Can anyone explain the mismatch between the controller state and the
disk state? It would certainly appear to be the disk I need to reset,
not the controller.


Mark Watts BSc RHCE MBCS
Senior Systems Engineer, Managed Services Manpower
QinetiQ - Delivering customer-focused solutions
GPG Key: http://www.linux-corner.info/mwatts.gpg

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