Quoting Ronan Mullally <ro...@iol.ie>:

> Dell is no NetApp.  Having used solutions from both, there's a world of
> a difference.  You are kidding yourself if you think you're on a nearby
> practice ground, let alone in the same ballpark.

Dell does sell enterprise storage solutions like NetApp (some their
own, some co-branded).  Think about their SAN and DAS boxes...

I'd have little troble with such a policy on their SAN's for example.

But, a Poweredge Server is no NetApp.  That is for sure...  I find it
funny that they use the phrase "enterprise storage solution" when
refering to a Poweredge Server...

Many of my PE servers store no data except the OS.  I still want to
mirror the OS in case of failure, but the "storage" is on a SAN/NAS
elsewhere, not in the PE server...  So trying to compare a PE Server
used this way (not for storage) to a NetApp is apples to oranges.
This is really true for PE 1U servers with only a small number of bays...

> -Ronan

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

Go Longhorns!

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