Tim Small wrote:
> Sorry to resurrect an ancient thread, but out of interest which 
> version are you running to get those options?

# rpm -qif /usr/bin/ipmitool | egrep -i 'version|release'; ipmitool -V
Version     : 2.0.16                            Vendor: (none)
Release     : 99.dell.61.5.2                Build Date: Sat 14 Nov 2009 
09:39:18 PM EST
ipmitool version 1.8.11.delloem

I took an SRPM for OpenIPMI-2.0.6-99.dell.61.1.el5 that I picked up from 
the OpenSuSE repos (hotchillypepper) 
and merged those patches into the OpenIPMI 2.0.16 SRPM from RHEL 5.4.  I 
even fixed a whole bunch of spelling errors in the Dell code because 
that kind of thing just bugs me.  If you want, I'd be happy to send you 
my SRPM - just send me an e-mail off-list.

> p.s. Any word on when Dell is going to sort their patches out and get 
> them in upstream ipmitool so we don't have to put up with this bollocks?

I believe the answer is "never" - there was a link on this list sometime 
last year to a comment from the ipmitool maintainers saying why they 
wouldn't be willing to take the hacks^H^H^H^H^Hpatches from Dell's OEM 
support.  And Dell seems unlikely to rewrite their patches because they 
are just doing least-effort hacks to make it work.  What's sad is that 
they could probably pay one of the ipmitool maintainers to add it 
properly for less than it will cost them over time to have outsourced 
developers in India continue to maintain their hacks.

On the other hand, the FreeIPMI project has implemented a fair amount of 
Dell OEM support themselves properly (rather than using Dell-provided 
least-effort hacks) 
http://www.gnu.org/software/freeipmi/freeipmi-faq.html#SEC6 - see reason 
#2 - but I don't think this includes things like the special Dell LCD modes.

If you feel motivated to do something for LCD control yourself, FreeIPMI 
might not be a bad platform to implement that on...



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