That's usually a kernel panic or possibly a Machine Check Exception (MCE). Check the last contents out of the video (via KVM) or serial if you can. Kernel logs may reveal something useful.

Just out of curiosity, what processors (model number) do you have in there? What kernel version?

On 12/13/2010 08:52 AM, Olivier Thauvin wrote:

I have a poweredge r810 running a Linux Mandriva 2010.0.

Sometimes after one month working fine, sometime sooner, the system just

In the IDRAC log I found this:
"System Software event: OS Stop sensor, run-time critical stop was

Even I understand the message I don't understand what can cause this
issue. Can it be a freeze on Linux side ? or hardware side ?

Notice I haven't install yet Dell tools to monitor the server on OS
side. This is on my todo list...

Thanks by advance for your help.

Best regards.

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Ryan Cox
Systems Administrator
Fulton Supercomputing Lab
Brigham Young University

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