Is there any work going on to handle readerrors on a raid5 disk being handled by recreating the faulty block from the other disks and just rewriting the block, instead of kicking the disk out?

I've problems on several occasions where two disks in a raid5 will have single sector errors and thus it's impossible (afaik) to get the array up and running without a lot of manual intervention and likely data loss, when the information needed to get the array up and running without dataloss is actually there.

I know this has been discussed before (I've been in these discussions myself), just wanted to know if this resulted in any improvement?

Right now I am more prone to using 3ware hw-raid rather than sw-raid due to this, as it will do the above and handle the read error gracefully. The data integrity is more important than write speed (where sw-raid excels) for me.

Mikael Abrahamsson    email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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