Chris Allen wrote:

Back to my 12 terabyte fileserver, I have decided to split the storage into four partitions
each of 3TB. This way I can choose between XFS and EXT3 later on.

So now, my options are between the following:

1. Single 12TB /dev/md0, partitioned into four 3TB partitions. But how do
I do this? fdisk won't handle it. Can GNU Parted handle partitions this big?

2. Partition the raw disks into four partitions and make /dev/md0,md1,md2,md3. But am I heading for problems here? Is there going to be a big performance hit with four raid5 arrays on the same machine? Am I likely to have dataloss problems if my machine crashes?

No. I regularly run a mix of RAID types over the same drives for performance vs. reliability reasons. And in the past I ran not only RAID-0 and RAID-5 using various partitions, but the stripe size was different as well. Survived a number of unscheduled restarts.

bill davidsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 CTO TMR Associates, Inc
 Doing interesting things with small computers since 1979

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