Michel Lespinasse wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm hitting a small issue with a RAID1 array and a kernel.
> Debian's mdadm package has a checkarray process which runs monthly and
> checks the RAID arrays. Among other things, this process does an
> echo check > /sys/block/md1/md/sync_action . Looking into my RAID1
> array, I noticed that /sys/block/md1/md/mismatch_cnt was set to 128 -
> so there is a small amount of unsynchronized blocks in my RAID1 partition.
> I tried to fix the issue by writing repair into /sys/block/md1/md/sync_action
> but the command was refused:
> # cat /sys/block/md0/md/sync_action
> idle
> # echo repair > /sys/block/md1/md/sync_action
> echo: write error: invalid argument
> I looked at the sources for my kernel ( and noticed that in md.c
> action_store(), the following code rejects the repair action (but accepts
> everything else and treats it as a repair):
>                 if (cmd_match(page, "check"))
>                         set_bit(MD_RECOVERY_CHECK, &mddev->recovery);
>                 else if (cmd_match(page, "repair"))
>                         return -EINVAL;
> So I tried to issue a repair the hacky way:
> # echo asdf > /sys/block/md1/md/sync_action
> # cat /sys/block/md1/md/sync_action
> repair
> # cat /proc/mdstat
> Personalities : [raid1]
> ...
> md1 : active raid1 hdg2[1] hde2[0]
>       126953536 blocks [2/2] [UU]
>       [==>..................]  resync = 14.2% (18054976/126953536)
> +finish=53.7min speed=33773K/sec
> ...
> unused devices: <none>
> # ... wait one hour ...
> # cat /sys/block/md1/md/sync_action
> idle
> # cat /sys/block/md1/md/mismatch_cnt
> 128
> The kernel (still reports it has repaired the array, but another
> check still shows 128 mismatched blocks:
> # echo check > /sys/block/md1/md/sync_action
> # cat /sys/block/md1/md/sync_action
> check

When I did the check, while I still had mismatches (and a SMART test was
failing, so the drive definitely had problems) I didn't notice the error
count going up on the drive, which I thought was odd and probably a bug.

> # ... wait one hour ...
> # cat /sys/block/md1/md/mismatch_cnt
> 128

I had the same problem with mismatch_cnt not decreasing. It seems to me
that either it shouldn't be a counter, i.e. each mismatch should be
associated with a block, and the count should be decreased when that
block checks out in the future, or the mismatch and error count should
be cleared out when a repair or check is run

If it doesn't ever go back to zero though, it will be very difficult to
write a reliable monitor for array health based on those files. I'm not
sure it could ever be made perfectly reliable actually, so those files
end up not being useful

It's clear that something was done in the repair step though, as a SMART
test on the drive worked after that

> So I'm a bit confused about how to proceed now...

Well, the way I proceeded, since it didn't seem to me that I could rely
on the array mismatch count or per-drive error counts was to fail the
drive out of the array and re-add it.

Everything was reset then.

> I looked at the source for debian's linux-2.6_2.6.18-8 kernel and I see
> that the issue with the inverted cmd_match(page, "repair") condition is
> fixed there. So I assume you guys found this issue sometime between 2.6.16
> and 2.6.18.
> Would you by any chance also know why the repair process did not work
> with ??? Has any related bug been fixed recently ? Should I
> try again with a newer kernel, or should I rather avoid this for now ?
> Assuming the fix is small, is there any reason not to backport it into
> 2.6.16.x ?
> I would be grateful for any suggestions.
> Thanks,

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