I see nothing wrong with background info if it is relevant.  I am always 
interested in learning and not afraid to ask those green newbie questions, I 
too was there.  I might not be as green as I once was but I am not an expert on 
everything, always learning and occasionally still ask to green questions.  If 
I never explored out of my comfort zone I won’t continue to learn.  Given I 
have time; I enjoy parting my experiences with others that have an interest.
I think this is a great forum I have received lots of answers and info from 
both searching archives and asking directly.
If there are some ruffled feathers, I apologize, but I don't care to hear the 
bashing.  Please don't cc the group; I would rather it be emails just between 
the individuals with the concerns.
As for as looking for more information or answers, I think there are many in 
the group willing to help out.  But if we don't know what is desired or a more 
direct question we may not know what response is desired.  It is not that the 
group is ignoring someone.
Now (rolling up sleeves...), 
As for as the distro.  You could ask 10 unix/linux guys and you would likely 
get 10 different answers.  There are heated debates on this all the time.  I 
have played with a few, not all, so I can tell you what my experiences are.  
Ubuntu is great for new Linux users.  I have used this for one of my laptops 
and have set it up for my folks.  I originally cut my teeth on RedHat long 
before Fedora was spun off from it.  Currently I run my home server with Fedora 
Core 4.  The most recent version is Fedora 7 (they dropped the core part).  
Distro Watch http://distrowatch.com/ is a good place to look for more info on 
different versions.  Most of them will have several forums that would be 
available to you if you need to look for help unique to that distro.
To expand the array, you will need a recent kernel.  RAID 5 reshape has been 
out for some time.  Any distro you chose that is current will provide what you 
need.  RAID6 reshape was recently added in 2.6.21.  It was release a few weeks 
ago.  The latest stable is  This site has the vanilla kernel 
When you pick a distro, they of course use the linux kernel but it is often a 
cooked version, certain tweaks or patches applied that that distro maintainers 
feel are appropriate to the users.  Because of this, vanilla kernels are 
release prior to it being available to an update manager for that distro.  Oh 
and update manager vary from between distros as well.  Taking a quick look on 
an update mirror for Fedora 7, I see kernel-2.6.21-1.3228.fc7.i586.rpm so if 
you did an install for Fedora 7 than did a yum update to freshen all the 
packages you will get the required kernel to support RAID 6 reshape as well.  
Other distros might have the 2.6.21 available as well, if they don't, they will 
soon using their update manager.  So you should not need to do any kernel 
recompile for a newer distro version.  I had to because my version of Fedora is 
very old and end of service.  They are not releasing new updates for me.   That 
might be another item to consider, Fedora stops providing updates for version 
that are 2 releases below the current one.  So Fedora 7 is the latest, 6 is 
still supported.  When version 8 is released, 7 will be support and 6 will be 
dropped.  Fedora has a rapid development timetable, a couple releases a year.  
Other distros might (probably do) have a longer life cycle.
For building your raid, there are lots of options and variations.  I can tell 
you some basic steps I used.
I use the available slots on my motherboard and added a couple PCI cards to get 
me to a 10 disk array.  You will have a newer system and using PCI-express 
cards.  As for a recommendation, I would have to defer that to someone else.  I 
have not upgraded my system to PCI-express yet.  Most of the cards with several 
SATA ports will have more features then needed for software RAID.  They have 
their own RAID which jacks up cost and it is not needed.  I too would be 
curious to hear what others are using as I will need to update my system at 
some point.
For my RAID set, I made a partition on each of my sata drives.  I than marked 
them are type Linux Raid in the fdisk utility... Ummm what a min, here is a 
link I found from a google search the closely resembles the same steps I took 
years ago when I built the raid set I am using;
To reshape, add drives to your raid set in the future, you first add the new 
drive to the existing raid set.
mdadm --add /dev/md0 /dev/sdf1
Next use the --grow switch to reshape it to the new number of drives you want.  
The command below assumes you had 3 devices in the raid set before you added 
sdf1 and now after you added sdf1 to be available to the set, you want the 
raid-devices to be 4.  Next time you add a device, it would be 5 ... 

mdadm --grow /dev/md0 --raid-devices=4
The filesystem then needs to be expanded to fill up the new space, for ext3
fsck.ext3 /dev/md0
resize2fs /dev/md0
xfs_growfs /dev/md0
----- Original Message -----
From: Michael 
Sent: Tue, 6/19/2007 8:44am
To: Dexter Filmore ; David Greaves ; Daniel Korstad 
Cc: linux-raid@vger.kernel.org
Subject: Re: Software based SATA RAID-5 expandable arrays? 
Look at your sig...



Version: 3.12

GCS d--(+)@ s-:+ a- C++++ UL++ P+>++ L+++>++++ E-- W++ N o? K-

w--(---) !O M+ V- PS+ PE Y++ PGP t++(---)@ 5 X+(++) R+(++) tv--(+)@ 

b++(+++) DI+++ D- G++ e* h>++ r* y?




You should get out more, maybe learn to interact with people.  Its sad that my 
post could effect you the way it did.  You have    Slinging insults has done 
nothing to provide a solution to my build, and has distracted from the quality 
of this forum.  Maybe someone can recommend a different Linux Forum that is 
better moderated and/or not filled with a person so near sighted that I cant 
get a solution due to the fact that things tend to deteriorate into flame wars. 
 Dexter why must you focus on information sharing as being negative.  

Am I proud of my gaming/work machine... absolutely... Just like I'm proud of my 
car and house.  Did I share this info to brag to people on a RAID Linux forum?  
Absolutely not... Thats what OCForums is for:)  I provided this information as 
to the reasons why I decided to build a separate machine, and to provide 
information on what resources I have.  A great example is the idea to pull my  
550w PSU from my work horse and place it into my NAS machine.  I also was 
hoping for someone to come up with a unorthodox solution, that may save me 

This forum doesn't seem to be a place for answers, though I really appreciate 
the instructions from Daniel Korstad on how to put the drives to sleep.  I have 
created a mail folder for such great responses. I have yet to get info on what 
build and/or distro I should use.  What commands I need in Linux to build an 
array.  What commands I need in Linux to expand the array, and what type of 
RAID-5 setup linux option I should use to   What SATA adapter cards I should 
use.  Or any other ideas and suggestions.

Thanks Dexter for providing an environment where such info is unobtainable.


PS  The reason I use my Alias is the fact that their are socially inept, super 
critical, highly judgmental individuals who see asking for help, as begin a 
weakness.  Or simply individuals who like to tear you down because you don't do 
things like they feel should be done.

Moody friends. Drama queens. Your life? Nope! - their life, your story. Play 
Sims Stories at Yahoo! Games.
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