On Sat, 21 Jul 2007, Justin Piszcz wrote:

On Sat, 21 Jul 2007, Justin Piszcz wrote:

Quick question-- under Kernel 2.4 without 2TB support enabled, the only other option is to use auto-carving to get the maximum amount of space easily, however, after doing this (2TB, 2TB, 1.8TB) for a 10 x 750GB array, only the first partition remains afer reboot.

Before reboot:

/dev/sdb1 (2TB)
/dev/sdc1 (2TB)
/dev/sdd1 (2TB)

After reboot

/dev/sdb1 (2TB)
sdc1 <vanished>
sdd1 <vanished>

I also tried formatting and then labeling /dev/sdc1 and /dev/sdd1 with mkfs.ext3 and then e2label, same thing, sdc/sdd disappear after reboot. Is there some option somewhere to ensure that sdc/sdd 'carved partitions' are not forgotten about?



Ah this appears to be my issue:


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Hm, did not appear to help.

The card is a 9550SXU-12- any thoughts?

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