Hello Justin & all ,

----------Justin Piszcz Wrote: ----------
Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2007 12:24:20 -0400 (EDT)
From: Justin Piszcz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: mkfs options for a 16x hw raid5 and xfs (mostly large files)

I have a question, when I use multiple writer threads (2 or 3) I see 550-600 MiB/s write speed (vmstat) but when using only 1 thread, ~420-430 MiB/s... Also without tweaking, SW RAID is very slow (180-200 MiB/s) using the same disks.
Speaking of 'without tweaking' , Might you have or know of a relatively accurate list of points to begin tweaking & possible( even guesses at the) out come of making those changes ?

We(maybe even I) could put together a patch for tuning options in the Documentation directory (&/or other files if necessary) . The kernel method would allow those with 'doxygen' (amongst other installed tools ) acquire a mediocum of information .
        The info could be ,  ear marked .  Such as fs-tunable ,  disk-tunable ,
for ease of identification of the intended subject matter .
Tho without a list of the present known tunables I am probably going to find the challenge a bit confusing as well as time consuming .
        At present I believe I (just might) be able to ,  with everyones help ,
put together a list for the linux-raid tunables . Note: 'with everyones help' .

        Just thoughts .

... much good info snipped...
                Tia ,  JimL
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