----- Original Message ----

From: Peter Grandi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thank you for your insightful response Peter (Yahoo spam filter hid it from me 
until now). 

> Most 500GB drives can do 60-80MB/s on the outer tracks

> (30-40MB/s on the inner ones), and 3 together can easily swamp

> the PCI bus. While you see the write rates of two disks, the OS

> is really writing to all three disks at the same time, and it

> will do read-modify-write unless the writes are exactly stripe

> aligned. When RMW happens write speed is lower than writing to a

> single disk.

I can understand that if a RMW happens it will effectively lower the write 
throughput substantially but I'm not sure entirely sure why this would happen 
while  writing new content, I don't know enough about RAID internals. Would 
this be the case the majority of time?

> The system time is because the Linux page cache etc. is CPU

> bound (never mind RAID5 XOR computation, which is not that

> big). The IO wait is because IO is taking place.


> Almost all kernel developers of note have been hired by wealthy

> corporations who sell to people buying large servers. Then the

> typical system that these developers may have and also target

> are high ends 2-4 CPU workstations and servers, with CPUs many

> times faster than your PC, and on those system the CPU overhead

> of the page cache at speeds like yours less than 5%.

> My impression is that something that takes less than 5% on a

> developers's  system does not get looked at, even if it takes 50%

> on your system. The Linux kernel was very efficient when most

> developers were using old cheap PCs themselves. "scratch your

> itch" rules.

This is a rather unfortunate situation, it seems that some of the roots are 
forgotten, especially in a case like this where one would think running a file 
server on a modest CPU should be enough. I was waiting for Phenom and AM2+ 
motherboards to become available before relegating this X2 4600+ to file server 
duty, guess I'll need to stay with the slow performance for a few more months. 

> Anyhow, try to bypass the page cache with 'O_DIRECT' or test

> with 'dd oflag=direct' and similar for an alterative code path.

I'll give this a try, thanks.

> Misaligned writes and page cache CPU time most likely.

What influence would adding more harddrives to this RAID have? I know in terms 
of a Netapp filer they  always talk about spindle count for performance. 


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