Neil Brown wrote:
On Wednesday January 9, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Jan 9, 2008 5:09 PM, Neil Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Wednesday January 9, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Can you test it please?
This passes my failure case.


Does it seem reasonable?
What do you think about limiting the number of stripes the submitting
thread handles to be equal to what it submitted?  If I'm a stripe that
only submits 1 stripe worth of work should I get stuck handling the
rest of the cache?

Someone has to do the work, and leaving it all to raid5d means that it
all gets done on one CPU.
I expect that most of the time the queue of ready stripes is empty so
make_request will mostly only handle it's own stripes anyway.
The times that it handles other thread's stripes will probably balance
out with the times that other threads handle this threads stripes.

So I'm incline to leave it as "do as much work as is available to be
done" as that is simplest.  But I can probably be talked out of it
with a convincing argument....

How about "it will perform better (defined as faster) during conditions of unusual i/o activity?" Is that a convincing argument to use your solution as offered? How about "complexity and maintainability are a zero-sum problem?"

Bill Davidsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 "Woe unto the statesman who makes war without a reason that will still
be valid when the war is over..." Otto von Bismark

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