On Mon Feb 04, 2008 at 02:59:44PM -0600, Moshe Yudkowsky wrote:

> I've managed to get myself into a little problem.
> Since power hits were taking out the /boot partition, I decided to split 
> /boot out of root. Working from my emergency partition,  I copied all files 
> from /root, re-partitioned what had been /root into room for /boot and 
> /root, and then created the drives. This left me with /dev/md/boot, 
> /dev/md/root, and /dev/md/base (everything else).
> I modified mdadm.conf on the emergency partition, used update-initramfs to 
> make certain that the new md drives would be recognized, and rebooted. This 
> worked as expected.
> I then mounted all the entire new file system on a mount point, copied the 
> mdadm.conf to that point, did a chroot to that point, and did an 
> update-initramfs so that the non-emergency partition would have the updated 
> mdadm.conf. This worked -- but with complaints about missing the file 
> /proc/modules (which is not present under chroot). If I use the -v option I 
> can see the raid456, raid1, etc. modules loading.
> I modified menu.lst to make certain that boot=/dev/md/boot, ran grub 
> (thanks, Robin!) successfully.
> Problem: on reboot, the I get an error message:
> root (hd0,1)  (Moshe comment: as expected)
> Filesystem type is xfs, partition type 0xfd (Moshe comment: as expected)
> kernel /boot/vmliuz-etc.-amd64 root=/dev/md/boot ro

Are you sure that's right?  Looks like a typo to me.

    ( ' }     |       Robin Hill        <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> |
   / / )      | Little Jim says ....                            |
  // !!       |      "He fallen in de water !!"                 |

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