| I am running RedHat version 5.1 (kernel 2.0.35)
| and have pulled down the patch file
| raid145-0.36.3-2.0.30.gz

make sure you have the 'kernel-source' RPM installed (or just go grab the 
source from ftp.kernel.org or a mirror).  if you grab the source, untar it in 
a directory (this is typically /usr/src).  Then goto that directory, and you 
should see a directory called "linux".  from here, do a "patch -p0 < 
raid0145#########", where #### is the version and all.  Make sure 1) you have 
an updated version of the patch, and 2) make sure the file is ungzipped when 
you redirect it to patch.

patching isn't very hard. 8)

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