This guy requests some help.  It would be nice if you could give him
some hints.



There are lies, statistics and benchmarks.

Hallo Martin,

ich fand deine e-mail Adresse im Internet im Zusammenhang mit RAID-Systemen
für Linux. Nun habe ich ein Problem, das im folgenden Abschnitt beschrieben
wird. Der nächste Abschnitt wurde bereits mit der Bitte um Support
[EMAIL PROTECTED] gesendet. Vielleicht kannst Du mir jedoch auch
helfen. Falls dies nicht möglich ist, bitte ich, diese e-mail an jemand
anderen weiter zu leiten, der mir helfen kann.

Vielen Dank im Voraus


>I have a serious problem using my new IBM39130 U-SCSI (narrow) drives in a
software RAID system with mdutils.
>Adaptec 2940UW, 2*9GB IBM 39130 U-SCSI (8715 cylinders each), Linux
2.0.32, distribution: SuSE 5.1, ASUS P55T2P4 196MB RAM, mdutils versions
0.34 and 0.41
>The boot device and the root file system is located on another adapter
AHA-2940. The RAID-system was planed for the /home system.
>We have had success with this configuration on a software RAID 0 system
using 4 Micropolis 2.1GB SCSI devices. These harddisks have only 255
cylinders (?!?). Therefore we purchased two new IBM disks mentioned above. 
>Command mdadd /dev/md0 /dev/sdc1 /dev/sdd1 is successfull when looking at
>Command mdrun /dev/md0 -p0 dev/md0 leads to an instanious crash down to
BIOS (!!) boot level without any warning. What is the matter?
>The disks are now working separately as two directories mounted in the
file tree. This works OK, so there is no  problem with the disks directly.
>Is this problem due to the large cylinder size of the IBM devices? The
system with the four Micropolis devices is working OK. 
>We changed the SCSI adapter (of course using a different kernel) into an
NCR 53C810 card but the problem remains the same.
>Can You please help me? I'm a little desperate since we need the two
device in one continous storage room.
>Thank You in advance
>P.S.: Please forward this mail to someone who can help me if You don't
have any suggestions. 

Wolfgang Ganzert
Institut fuer Strahlantriebe
Universitaet der Bundeswehr Muenchen
Werner Heisenberg Weg 39
D-85577 Neubiberg
Phone:  089/6004-3037 or -3035
Fax:    089/6004-4092

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