>Really ?
>I would have thought that if I had 1 and 2 in use and 3 as spare,
>when 1 fails, I get 2 and3 in use, and that when I insert a good replacement 
>for 1, it becomes the spare -- is that not the case ?
>Will it actually copy things to 1, and then release 3 back to being spare ?

Oops, hadn't thougt about a hot-spare being available. 

if you start with 
raid-disk1              /dev/sda1
raid-disk2              /dev/sda2
spare                   /dev/sda3

you'll get 

raid-disk1              /dev/sda3
raid-disk2              /dev/sda2
no spare

after reconstruction

if you hotadd the (repaired or replaced) /dev/sda1 again you'll have 
raid-disk1              /dev/sda3
raid-disk2              /dev/sda2
spare                   /dev/sda1

>> next, install raid stuff, create raid mirror with /dev/sda1 entered as
>> "failed-disk" in raidtab
>Please explain `"entered as failed-disk" in raidtab' ...

the patch to raidtools + kernel will add a new keyword for raidtab, you can

device          /dev/sda1
raid-disk       0

device          /foo/bar
failed-disk     1

in your raidtab. the 2nd device will not be touched by raid, it'll be
treated just as if had physically failed.

>> copy your system to the raid device

>How ? using dd or what ?

no, just mke2fs the raid device and copy the stuff over using cp -aR (or
tar or ..)

>What are the args to raidhotadd ?

raidhotadd <md device> <new device>
># raidhotadd /dev/md0  /dev/hda7
>/dev/md0: can not hot-add disk: invalid argument.

raidhotadd will only work for raid types supporting redundancy, meaning 1,4
and 5. 

>So if I am running RAID0 or linear using 0.50, all I can do is dump and 
>restore? For a RAID0 I would expect to be able to shrink the FS (so that the 
>end of the underlying partitions are free) and then just write a
Superblock ...

Far as I know that's not implemented yet.

>Under 0.90 ?
>I don't have "--debug" :-(

<rebooting computer to linux before writing anything stupid>
<back in windows>
you do, it's jst not documented :-) Just try  

mkraid --debug /dev/md0  

>Does it actually write anything, or just read ?

this just reads the configuration and prints it to syslog.

>Ta, but as I indicated, I want somewhat more ...

Understood - I don't know how to do exacty what you need; since this tip
covers at least part of your requests it might still help you.

>However, this is a pain, as there is no need, as root is not RAID. I was 
>hoping that I could start the boot, get a working FS, then have the kernel 
>poke around for 0xfd partitions, and then while starting them, use kmod to 
>load the personalities.  Can this be done ?

Far as I know - no. 

Bye, Martin

"you have moved your mouse, please reboot to make this change take effect"
 Martin Bene               vox: +43-664-3251047
 simon media               fax: +43-316-813824-6
 Andreas-Hofer-Platz 9     e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 8010 Graz, Austria        
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP public key

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