On 21-Jan-99 Danny Yee wrote:
> I'm having problems with raid-5, however.  My first attempt failed
> running mke2fs, with a "Killed" appearing half way through.  Next
> attempt (with a different setup) the mke2fs worked and the device
> mounted fine, but when I run Bonnie it quits with a "Killed" error.  I
> presume that error is coming from the kernel md driver, so it looks
> like a raid problem.  
>       [root@tekelili]# Bonnie -s 900 -m raid5.5 -d .
>       File './Bonnie.1149', size: 943718400
>       Writing with putc()...done
>       Rewriting...done
>       Writing intelligently...Killed

I haven't tried a raid-5 partition yet, maybe I'll try later.  (Even if it's
just 3-partitions on one disk.)

> It would be really good if raid worked without patches in 2.2.0...

Sure would, but there doesn't seem to be any linux-raid maintainers on this
list anyway...  If so, they don't say anything.  2.2.0 is very close now, and
it would be a shame not to have working software-raid in it.


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