>      You are nuts if you think the docs are of ANY help. They are so
 > out of date, and full of error/omissions I wonder why you are pointing
 > this fellow there.

I disagree.  The docs are pretty okay if you run 2.0.x,
raidtools 0.42 and take the time to really understand
what you're doing.  =:)  This is exactly why I'm running
these versions.

As promised, my INSTALL file, fwiw, is enclosed.  But the whole
story is at my "Linux disk mirroring cookbook":


which has

 The OVERVIEW of how WiscNet does disk mirroring with raidtools-0.42 
 The INSTALL file with details for baking a mirrored disk RedHat Linux system 
 README file for recovering from a *system* crash 
 README file for recovering from a *disk* crash 
 README file re-installing a replacement disk 

 patch file for starting raid services from /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit 
 patch file for stopping raid services from /etc/rc.d/init.d/halt 
 bash script for automagically re-configuring when a mirror disk is dead 
 bash script for automagically re-configuring a replacement disk 
 perl script that sends an email msg to root when a disk is dead 

 raidtab file for /dev/md0 when both disks are working 
 raidtab file for /dev/md1 when both disks are working 
 raidtab file for /dev/md0 when only one disk is working 
 raidtab file for /dev/md1 when only one disk is working 

If anyone has any questions, comments, suggestions, heckling,
snide remarks, etc about this stuff, feel free to drop me a line.

- - -
systems guy


 - install RedHat "primary system" on disk0 partition1 with
   swap on disk0 partition2
 - install RedHat "secondary system" on disk1 partition1 with 
   swap on disk1 partition2
 - build and use 2.0.36 kernel on disk0
 - build raidtools 0.42
 - make RAIDs on disk0/disk1 partition3 and disk0/disk1 partition4
 - boot "primary system" (disk0 partition1) system
 - copy over kernel, raidtools, etc to "secondary system"
 - boot "secondary system" and tell disk1's master boot
   record about the 2.0.36 kernel on the secondary system
 - boot secondary-system with 2.0.36 kernel
 - tell secondary-system about RAIDs on disk1 partition3
   and partition4
 - Viola! 
 - disk1 failure keeps humming but requires care and feeding
   at next boot
 - disk0 failure causes crash but then boots secondary-system 
 - replacement of dead disk requires redhat install

Install and config RedHat on both disks

 # fdisk primary disk into four partitions: 
   # sda1 for slash
   # sda2 for swap
   # sda3 for /usr/local
   # sda4 for /home
 # install rh5.0 into primary disk (sda)
 # disconnect primary disk
 # install rh5.0 into secondary disk (sda)
   # config net
   # config printer
   # config all services
   # config xwindows

Basic system tweaking

 vi /etc/lilo.conf
 cd /etc/rc.d
 vi rc.local  # ... gut /etc/issue /etc/issue.net stuff
 mkdir rc.save
 for i in inn named news routed nfsfs pcmcia postmap \
 postgresql smb snmp rwhois sound ypbind; do
   mv -f */*$i* rc.save
 cd /etc 
 vi motd issue issue.net
 vi /etc/hosts.deny 
 vi /etc/hosts.allow
 vi /etc/profile
 vi /etc/bashrc
 echo -e "version4.x\nset undolevels=0" > /usr/share/vim/vimrc
Build RAID enabled kernel

 tar -zxf /usr/local/src/tar-files/linux-2.0.36.tar.gz
 mkdir linux/include/linux/raid
 patch < /usr/local/src/tar-files/raid0145-19990128-2.0.36
 # add...
 #   extern char empty_zero_page[PAGE_SIZE];
 # ...to line 91 of linux/arch/i386/kernel/setup.c
 cd linux
 make config
 make dep; make clean; make zImage 
 cp arch/i386/boot/zImage /boot/vmlinuz-2.0.36+raid0145
 vi /etc/lilo.conf

Build RAID devices on primary disk

 # build any disk mirrors...
 vi /etc/raid.d/md0tab /etc/raid.d/md1tab
 # make a whole bunch of md?tab and md?sd?? files
 mkraid -f /etc/raid.d/md0tab
 mkraid -f /etc/raid.d/md1tab
 mdcreate raid1 /dev/md0 /dev/sda3 /dev/sdb3 
 mdcreate raid1 /dev/md1 /dev/sda4 /dev/sdb4 
 mdadd /dev/md0 /dev/sda3 /dev/sdb3
 mdadd /dev/md1 /dev/sda4 /dev/sdb4
 mdrun -p1 /dev/md0
 mdrun -p1 /dev/md1
 mke2fs /dev/md0
 mke2fs /dev/md1
 fsck /dev/md0
 fsck /dev/md1
 mdstop /dev/md0
 mdstop /dev/md1
 vi /etc/fstab
 # add mdrun -a and mdadd -a to /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit just before fsck
 # add mdstop -a to /etc/rc.d/init.d/halt just after / remounts read-only
 test raid a few times

Move /var and /home to the RAID devices 

 mkdir /usr/local/var
 cd /var
 tar -cf - * | (cd /usr/local/var; tar -xf -)
 mv /var /var.OLD
 ln -s /usr/local/var /var
 mkdir /usr/local/home
 cd /home
 tar -cf - * | (cd /usr/local/var; tar -xf -)
 mv /home /home.OLD
 ln -s /usr/local/home /home

 mount /spare-root
 cd /spare-root
 ln -s /usr/local/var var
 ln -s /usr/local/home home 

Build RAID devices on secondary disk
 mount /dev/sdb1 /spare-root
 # copy over lots of stuff... kernel, raidtools and /dev/md? fer sure
 # disconnect /dev/sda
 # boot secondary
 # tell lilo about secondary's new kernl 
 # boot secondary with new kernel
 mkraid /etc/raid.d/md0sda3tab -f --only-superblock
 mkraid /etc/raid.d/md0sda4tab -f --only-superblock
 mdcreate raid1 /dev/md0 /dev/sda3
 mdcreate raid1 /dev/md1 /dev/sda4
 mdadd /dev/md0 /dev/sda3
 mdadd /dev/md1 /dev/sda4
 mdrun -p1 /dev/md0
 mdrun -p1 /dev/md1
 fsck /dev/md0
 fsck /dev/md1
 vi /etc/fstab
Test disaster recovery 

 - boot with either disk dead
 - pull power to either disk

Misc post configuration stuff

 # populate /usr/local/bin
 # make accounts
 # build applications
 # configure applications

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