> I asked this question some time ago, but get no answer: how to mark them as
> type fd?
> Can you send the whole command line?
> Thanks, Dietmar
You need to use fdisk... the process is usually something like this:
rootprompt# fdisk /dev/sda
Then use the 't' command to change the partition's system id/type
Choose the partition number on that disk you want to change...
when it asks you what hex code to change it to.
Then use command 'p' to print the partition table out and see if it was 
what you wanted, if it is, use command 'w' to write to disk and exit.
Marking them 'fd' tells the kernel (at boot time) that those partitions are 
raid partitions, and to run the autostart raid stuff if possible.

NOTE: You should not do this while the disks are mounted, you should probably 
run raidstop too just to be safe. I'd be careful if it was important data too.
I did it after the disks were made into a raid array and mke2fs'd, but that 
may just be me.
I am not responsible if it screws up and you lose all your New Kids On The 
Block mp3s or whatever data you have on there :)

Chris Black

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