yeah- get scsi and throw that ide crap away :)

actually, i have found that the ability to recover from ide disconnect depends
on the bios and the drive. i found this to work with some seagate drives a
year or two ago, as long as the bios was award. would not work with ami bios
or any other brand of drive.

\"a.loots\" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said: 

> Hello RAID group,
> I have a Software RAID-1 system here with two IDE drives.
> The md1 device contains a complete mirror of a RedHat 5.2 root file
> system.
> I boot the system with a bootdisk created while md1 was mounted /. The
> kernel I use is 2.2.3.
> When the system is running i disconnect one of the IDE cables {\';\'}
> oops...
> Now when I put the IDE cable back on its place I try to raidhotadd the
> \"failed\" disk.
> And I get a: device is busy error. After a reboot of the system its no
> problem to get the disk back in the array. Is there a way of skipping
> the \"reboot of the system\" part ?
> - Alex


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