On Sun, 25 Apr 1999, Steve Costaras wrote:

> I'm playing this weekend with v2.2.6 & the new patches on a spare server
> trying to get boot-raid working or to see how far off it is. 
> Anyway, I noticed that the current code doesn't seems to allow a 'global
> hot spare' disk for the raid arrays.  On my test system here I have 3
> arrays (raid 1 & raid 5) and instead of keeping one hot standby disk for
> each array I'd like to keep one disk (obviously large enough to
> accomidate any of the arrays) as a hot spare to be used in any array
> that needs it. 

good idea, i've added this to the TODO list. Until this is implemented you
can keep it 'quasi-global' by raidhotremoving it, and adding it only if a
disk fails. Probably a small script (to watch failures) is needed for this

-- mingo

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