Yeah, I wanted this too.... it was because I had a slower disk as a spare
and once it failed over there was no way to coax the thing back onto the
right disk.

On Mon, 26 Apr 1999, Mark Anthony Lisher wrote:

> I'm looking for a way of removing active disks from a RAID1 without
> disconnecting the drive or making any of the other paritions on the disk
> inaccessible.
> I think the best way to do this would be to get the md driver to believe
> the disk had failed. There seems to be no way of doing this with the
> current driver.
> I'm interesting in this as a way to get a 6 six array I'm setting up to
> have the same boot kernels on each of the disks, so the disks are
> interchangable. The procedure would be something like
> 6 disk RAID1, say md0, mounted on /boot containing kernels etc.
> fail and hotremove 5 of the paritions in the array
> umount /boot and stop md0
> mount partition on to /boot and run lilo
> umount /boot and restart md0
> mount md0 on /boot
> hotadd the 5 removed disks back to md0 to be resync'd
> I'm not sure but I think the MBR from the parimary disk would need to be
> copyed to the other disks after running lilo.
> This would mean if the first disk (bios boot disk) failed it could be
> removed and the next disk would be ready to be booted from.
> Any thoughts?
>   Mark
>    ________________________________________________________________________
>   |- Mark Anthony Lisher                       -|- icq: 1283233 markal    -|
>   |- Coconut Software Limited                  -|- ---------------------- -|
>   |- [EMAIL PROTECTED]                         -|- Home: [EMAIL PROTECTED] -|
>   |- Tel: +44 1534 498051 Fax: +44 1534 490866 -|-       +44 1534 631446  -|
>    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

It doesn't run on an open source platform,
therefore it, by definition, does not matter.

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