We have a raid box from Raid Inc.  It has the capability of doing logical
drive expansion.  I'm somewhat confused as to how this works in our
particular setup.  I figured someone on here could enlighten me.

As far as Linux is concerned, it see our raid array as one device. I've
use this device and partitioned it.

Filesystem            Size  Used  Avail  Capacity Mounted on
/dev/sda1             296M   26M   255M      9%   /
/dev/sda5              28G  859K    26G      0%   /home
/dev/sda9             197M   14K   187M      0%   /tmp
/dev/sda6             1.9G  448M   1.4G     24%   /usr
/dev/sda11            691M   99M   556M     15%   /usr/local
/dev/sda7             972M   30M   892M      3%   /var
/dev/sda8             486M  7.2M   454M      2%   /usr/webservers

Now, if I expand the logical device, WHERE will the extra space
end up?  I'd like it to be placed in /home, but I just don't understand
how the raid array could be able to do this since it has no clue about my
partition scheme or the OS.


http://www.xxedgexx.com | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Y2K.  We're all gonna die.

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