You did what?????

cp -a????

It gets them everytime:-)

cp & symlinks are not friends...

If you ever need to copy a directory or filesystem do a tar! It will not
only keep the permissions & owner bits correct, It will also keep
symlinks pointing the correct way..

There is a trick to copy a directory from one place to another using tar
but I can't remember it right now... something like:
tar -cv . | (cd /newdir; tar -x --)
I don't think that's it.... I'm sure someone else here knows it by

"Nixon, Shon" wrote:

> I finally have both a RAID1 and RAID5 system up and running thanks to
> the help of Mr. Allan Noah. I am however having trouble with symlinks
> though. I tried to start X after I got the system up and running and
> it would seem that xfs is having trouble finding fonts. I also tried
> to compile dosemu to use X for xdos and it states that it can not find
> the X11 libraries? I reinstalled X (several times) and it now works
> (some functions are hairy though) but I still get the same message
> with dosemu. My concern is that if X is having problems, then other
> programs may also rear their ugly head with problems in the future. I
> used cp -a copying each directory from root (/) one-by-one to a
> /raidtest share (md0) that I created for the raid mount of root. I
> also have /raidtest/usr (md2) ../home (md3) & ../var (md1) raid
> mounts. Have I missed something here? This has happened with both
> raid1 & 5.
> Shon Nixon

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