Hello - New to this list. New to software RAID on Linux too. Is there an
archive kept anywhere?

Anyway - If this is in the archive or a FAQ somewhere, perhaps some kind
soul could point me in the right direction...

I've just setup a RAID 5 array, 4 x 18GB drives on a dual channel adaptec
controller (2 drives on each bus). Kernel 2.2.6 (SMP, Dual Xeon III's),
raidutils 0.90. So far so good. It autodetects at boot time too. Very
nice. Fast too.

2 problems though - I powered down a drive to see what happened and I got
a spew of messages to say it was running in degraded mode, but it didn't
actually carry on. It seemed that all accesses to the array were blocked.
I couldn't even halt the machine cleanly - had to hit the reset button (it
sat there trying to unmount the disks for a long time) Rebooted, it
wouldn't automatically rebuild the array, but a mkraid --force-resync
seemed to work... (despite dire warnings that I'd lose all my data, it
didn't lose anything during the rebuild!)

The second is that I can't dump the array using the dump command! It just
seems to dump the underlying directories under the mount point (usually
nothing, but I found out that was what it was doing when I mounted
/dev/md0 on /mnt and /mnt already had /mnt/s1 and /mnt/s2 from some
earlier experiments with the drives individually) Very perplexing!

I know the code is still "alpha" and it's probably early days yet, but
thanks for any help, even if it's just a pointer to an archive or FAQ!


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