I have recently upgraded some boxes from RH5.2 to RH6.0 and have run into
some problems with getting my arrays to work.

The arrays were created under RH5.2 with raidtools-0.50beta10-2.

I cannot set "persistant-superblock" to 1, because then it would destroy
my data correct?  So I leave it to 0.  

I try mkraid, to upgrade and it fails:

[root@sol /tmp]# cat /proc/mdstat 
Personalities : [raid0] 
read_ahead not set
unused devices: <none>
[root@sol /tmp]# /sbin/mkraid --upgrade /dev/md0
handling MD device /dev/md0
analyzing super-block
disk 0: /dev/hdc1, 11255296kB, raid superblock at 11255232kB
cannot upgrade magic-less superblock on /dev/hdc1 ...
mkraid: aborted

here is my raidtab

[root@sol /tmp]# cat /etc/raidtab
raiddev                 /dev/md0
raid-level              0               # it's not obvious but this *must
                                        # right after raiddev

persistent-superblock   0    # set this to 1 if you want autostart,
                             # BUT SETTING TO 1 WILL DESTROY PREVIOUS
                             # CONTENTS if this is a RAID0 array created
                             # by older raidtools (0.40-0.51) or mdtools!

chunk-size              4

nr-raid-disks           2
nr-spare-disks          0

device                  /dev/hdc1
raid-disk               0

device                  /dev/hdd1
raid-disk               1

I read the HOWTO, which basically says:

  1. You need autodetection support in the kernel. Check this
  2. You must have created the RAID devices using persistent-superblock
  3. The partition-types of the devices used in the RAID must be set to
     0xFD  (use fdisk and set the type to ``fd'')

I don't think when upgrading, #2 and #3 are necessary, correct?  I am
assuming since their is a --upgrade flag in mkraid, that someone must know
how to upgrade these older style raids to newer style.

I was sort of disappointed by Redhat on this one.  They don't even remove
"raidadd" and "raidrun" from the initscripts.  Nor do they give any
insightfull information on what to do with your raids after upgrading.

So basically if anyone has any idea how to upgrade these older raids, that
would be much appreciated. I did subscribe to the list right now, but I
didn't get my confirmation back yet, so if you could email me as well as
reply to the list, that would be appreciated.


Brian Feeny (BF304)     [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
318-222-2638 x 109      http://www.shreve.net/~signal      
Network Administrator   ShreveNet Inc. (ASN 11881)            

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