On Fri, 23 Jul 1999, Brian Murphy wrote:
> "Stanley, Jeremy" wrote:
> > I think the question was whether there was a way to successfully mirror
> > the MBR and boot kernel onto a second drive for redundancy...
> > > From:         Brian Murphy[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > > Sent:         Friday, July 23, 1999 6:39 AM
> > > To:   Thomas Seidel; Linux Raid
> > > Subject:      Re: Lilo and Root Mirroring (was: Software Mirroring and
> > > the root pa
> > >
> > > There is no need for all this complication. At the start of the first
> > > disk create a small
> > > partition /boot
> > > which contains the kernel and lilo files (chain loader etc) i.e what
> > > is normally in /boot.
> > >
> > [snip]
> Create identical partitions on the second disk (or as many as you like,
> disk
> space is cheap these days) and dd from the boot sector and the first two
> partitions on /dev/sda, the boot and rescue to make an identical copy.
> If a disk dies (and you are using SCSI) the next in line takes over
> (as /dev/sda) and the system will boot from it. You dont need active
> mirroring
> of these partitions as the data changes infrequently.
> Brian Murphy

I think some might disagree with you.  What is infrequent to one person
is not necessarily infrequent to others.  Besides, the new filesystem
tools now support mounting based on UID instead of partition name
(/dev/sda1) exactly to prevent mounting the incorrect partition in the
incorrect place (when a disk dies and the disk names change).  RAID 1
was created to handle the automatic mirroring of filesystems.  If
that's what you want to do, use it.

Check out the l-k mailing list, I believe T. Tso or someone made a
comment yesterday or thereabouts concerning the new UID features...


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