Ok, I am setting up a RAID box, a PII-350 with an ASUS P2B-S mobo (adaptec
7000 chip).  I found some document on the web that explained how to set up
software RAID correctly (I think it was a HOWTO, but it seems to have gone
missing, I cant find it anywhere).  

I got it working with kernel 2.2.5 (I'm using RAID-0).  I have two RAID
devices, md0 and md1. /home is on md0 and /usr is on md1.  However, I was
having a problem.  When I wrote stuff to the disk and then compared it to
the source (a cd) they differed slightly.  That state of affairs not being
acceptable I decided to try a newer kernel (upon the suggestion that the
older scsi drivers might be faulty).  So I downloaded 2.2.10 and compiled
and installed it as I thought was correct (I compiled in md support and
RAID-0 mode as well as generic scsi support - for my HP CD-writer and the
AIC-7000 support for my scsi card).   

Now the machine will not boot at all if I have /dev/md0 or /dev/md1
anywhere in my fstab.  It fails when checking the filesystems on md0 and
md1, saying "short read opening /dev/md0" (same for md1).  I am having a
really hard time understanding what is going wrong here.  I would be most
grateful for any suggestions that people might have (this machine is due
very shortly, I need to get it finished so I can deploy it) and also, if
anyone knows a good document that explains how to do software RAID, step
by step, I would be grateful for that.

Thank you,
Sean Harper

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