On 13-Aug-99 Thomas King wrote:
> Hello!
> I read something about a Promise IDE Controller in this Mailinglist.
> Now, I want use a raid-system with ide harddisk, but I can't find a
> place to buy the Promise IDE Controller. Where can I get this
> Controller? Have you an address in Germany? I live in Germany.
> Sorry, I think this question is offtopic! :-)

Btw.: the Promise EIDE UDMA/66 Controler and the Promise RAID Controler are
physicly the same. The only difference between them is the BIOS - and the
price, of course. So if you can get a BIOS of the Promise EIDE-RAID Controler,
you can make your EIDE Controler become a RAID Controler... ;-)


Christian Ordig             | Homepage: http://thor.prohosting.com/~chrordig/ 
Germany                     |    eMail: Christian Ordig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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