
On Tue, 17 Aug 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> On Tue, Aug 17, 1999 at 04:18:27AM -0600, Ziber wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I am is facing problem in Raid.
> > I have created Raid1 on 500Mb partitions on sda5 and sdb5. For testing purpose
> > i disconnect power 
> > 
> > from sdb while copying data to the Raid. But the raid is still trying to
> > access sdb and then 
> > 
> > giving  errors and do it in an infinite loop.

I have similar problems as ziber is decribing, but I've gone further and 
put my two disks on two different scsi-channels (one on a adaptec 2940 uw
and one on a adaptec 3940 uw). If I pull the powerplug from on of the 
disks, while doing a large cp from on partition to another, the system 
stops to access both disks and I get the timeout and reset messages. 

> It's a problem with your SCSI driver or hardware. It's not directly related to
> RAID, except for the fact that the RAID layer suffers from the shortcomings in
> those lower layers...
> After a boot (still with the power disconnected) your RAID should run just
> fine, but in degraded mode of course.
> The AIC7xxx and NCR8xx drivers should handle failing devices fairly well, but
> there could still be problems... Your mail indicates that someone should probably
> take a looksee on the AIC7xxx error handling.
> Sometimes you will see that the entire SCSI bus locks up, so your entire RAID
> dies when one disk dies.  This is unfortunate, but we're limited by the hardware
> or - at best - the SCSI drivers here.
> I've personally never seen a disk hang the bus, except when I did nasty stuff
> like you tried.  Usually a disk gives a hard read/write error, the RAID layer
> detects the error, and handles the situation just fine.
> If you have electrical failures on the bus, or if your SCSI drivers fail, there's
> little the RAID code can do about this.
> If you're really paranoid, you can put each disk on it's own SCSI channel to
> minimize the chance of one disk taking down the others with it.

didn't work for me ....

> ................................................................
> : [EMAIL PROTECTED]  : And I see the elder races,         :
> :.........................: putrid forms of man                :
> :   Jakob Østergaard      : See him rise and claim the earth,  :
> :        OZ9ABN           : his downfall is at hand.           :
> :.........................:............{Konkhra}...............:

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