
Can anyone recommend UK hardware suppliers who will 
preconfigure RAID for Linux?

We are looking to purchase a Linux system for use as a 
web-server for a lightly loade internet / intranet site, 
which is being redeveloped as a database-backed site 

We initially approached Dell UK, but at present they only 
offer Linux pre-installed on their Precision Workstations, 
and they also don't support RAID for Linux. So I'm looking 
for alternative suppliers. So far I've come up with
Digital Networks (http://www.dnuk.com). Does anyone have 
any other recommendations?

Also, it would useful to have a "sanity check" on the 
specs. I've come up with:-

450MHz, 256MB, 2x9GB SCSI 7200rpm (RAID 1)

My reason for wanting to use RAID 1 over RAID 5 is to gain 
complete data redundancy (data set is small, so disk usage 
is not a big problem). RAID 1 seems to be a simpler 
design than RAID 5, so hopefully there is less to go wrong. 
Does this sound reasonable?  Finally, should I ask for 
separate SCSI controllers for the two disks, or is this 


Joe McFadden                       email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Web Development Manager            web:   http://www.icr.ac.uk
Institute of Cancer Research       Tel:   0171 352 8133 x5363
123 Old Brompton Road              Fax:   0171 225 2574

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