On Fri, 20 Aug 1999, Marc Mutz wrote:
> OK, so proposed way to go is:
> 1.) install raidtools-0.90 (done)
> 2.) d/l, compile, install 2.2.12-final (or patch a kernel) (done)
> At this point I have both old and new raidtools available. But how
> should I proceed?
> 3a) with old kernel: init S and umount all mdx (if possible), mdstop
> them and mkraid --upgrade (--force). (does this work on old kernel?)
> 4a) reboot to new kernel, then re-create all with
> persistent-superblock=1?
> -or-
> 3b) boot into new kernel -> fsck complains about zero-length partitions
> (or similar) -> sulogin -> mkraid --upgrade (--force) -> exit -> done?
> 4b) re-create all md's (I will have to anyway, because I just ordered
> another drive that I would like to add to the array)

I don't know.  I was "lucky" enough to be installing RedHat 6.0 right
when I started setting up RAID.  I ended up saving off my /home and
/etc directory and basically doing an install from scratch.  If I had
actually gone through the upgrade process I'd surely let you know how I
did it.  I can make some guesses though.

I don't think you will be able to do the upgrade with the old kernel
running because it has the old driver installed.  So, you'd need to
take the 'b' branch and 3b) boot with the new kernel.  Then upgrade the
raid devices.  When you get your new drive you can recreate/add them to
the arrays.

I guess the "best" way would be to boot off a floppy or initrd that had
all the 0.90 utilities available so that you could do an upgrade
without having to load >anything< from the hard disk (in case you're
RAIDing the root or something).  Unfortunately I have no experience in
creating initrd's or floppy kernels.  It shouldn't be TOO hard to do



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