Hello, I've got a server running with a huge external hardware RAID. The raid 
has 3 host channels, meaning that you can connect three computers to it, and 
write from one and read from the other two. On one channel, I've got a NT 
computer. On the other, I've got a Sun Ultra 1. On the third, is my Linux box 
running Mandrake 6.0 with 2.2.9 kernel (recompiled with UFS and NTFS 
support) which reads both filesystems and shares them to each other. The 
problem is that Linux can't see the new files that are written to the disks from 
NT or SUN, we have to reboot it to update the filesystem. Unmounting and 
mounting won't help. 

So last night I got an idea... What if I made Linux treat that disk the same way 
as it treats a Zip-disk? Or a hot-swappable disk?

This is where problem number two comes up. I don't know how to do it, I don't 
know what files to look in, and I don't know anything about programming... Can 
anyone help me (please include the paths to scripts I have to edit, "the 
diskscripts" tells me very litte).

Thanks in advance,

Kent R. Nilsen

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