From: Jean-Francois Boisvieux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 08:54:29 +0200 (CEST)
I've set up a kayak XU with an acceleraid from Mylex. I use Suse 6.1
since I've not been able to boot a debian boot disk (any help would
be appreciated since I'm fond of debian). Everything works well when
I've booted. My problem is that, from time to time (but it may be
half of the time) when I start my computer in the morning the bios
of the mylex doesnot detect the firsts disks and the system and accordingly
the system doesnot boot. If I reboot most of the time (99 %) everything
goes all right.
any idea would be greatly appreciated
Have you tried contacting Mylex Technical Support regarding this problem?
Since it occurs independently of Linux, they might well have an understanding
of the problem. They also have some understanding of Linux problems as well,
of course, but they are always worth contacting for non-Linux related problems.