I currently have a new system on which i would eventually like to get
boot RAID-1 working off of 2 9GB SCSI drives.  But I am having a problem
getting this to work, here is where I am at.

I have 

1) installed the system (Red Hat 6.1) onto an IDE drive (which I plan to
pull once i get everything moved over to the RAID drives.)
2) I have partitioned my SCSI drives identical to each other
3) set up my /etc/raidtab file and run mkraid
4) performed a mke2fs on my new /dev/md0 - 3
5) moved /home over to /dev/md3, added the entry into the /etc/fstab
/dev/md3        /home   ext2    defaults 1 2

6) I can reboot the machine and everything works just fine.

7) Try to move /var onto /dev/md1 using the exact same procedure as
above, but when I try to reboot my system I get error messages all over
the place that it can not find /var/(some file), this occurs for several
files then it try's to start logging sits there for quite a while and
eventually comes up. 

Question 1:
What do i have to do different with /var, /home works great?

Question 2:
I will eventually want to get this system with just the 2 SCSI drives
and pull my very old and tired IDE drive out. I am planning on the
following setup:
md0 -> /
md1 -> /var
md2 -> /usr
md3 -> /home

Does this seem like a good approach, I am VERY new to RAID and have read
the How to's and such many times and this seems like an okay way to go. 
Let me know if you see any flags there. 

Bitonic Solutions Inc.

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