On Fri, Nov 12, 1999 at 03:43:34PM -0000, Adamson, Stuart wrote:
> } -----Original Message-----
> } From: Roeland M.J. Meyer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> } But that is not the ONLY underscore;
> } 
> } [root@raven src]# cat /proc/mdstat
> } Personalities : [linear] [raid0] [raid1] [raid5]
> } read_ahead 1024 sectors
> } md0 : active raid1 hdd1[1] hdc1[0] 6297344 blocks [2/2] [UU]
> } unused devices: <none>
> } [root@raven src]#
> } 
> } Please note the name "read_ahead".
> then
> 'grep md | grep _'
> or perl, awk etc equivalents.
> Stuart

Actually .. I would be thinking regular expressions would be usefull right
about here.  .. something like "md[0-9]+" instead of matching for md alone.

        "That is precisely what common sense is for, to be jarred into
         uncommon sense."
             ++ Eric Temple Bell, Mathmatics: Queen of the Sciences

   Mark Ferrell    :   Major'Trips'
   Lead Programmer :   Chaotic Dreams Development Team
   URL             :   http://www.planetquake.com/chaotic
   E-Mail          :   [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

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