Hello, I have a DAC960 installed with SuSe 6.1. kernel 2.2.7 As long as I'm booting with the CD and loading manually the DAC960 driver before booting the kernel installed on the disk controlled by the DAC960, everything goes fine and the system is totally available. But if I'm booting with the DAC960 everything seems to be ok at first, I'm able to log-in and to read the disk, but as soon as I'm writing on it, things gegins to go wrong. For instance, if I'm lauching YaST, I get a bus error, and then directories listings becomes incomplete, then totally unavalaible and no more files are accessibles. Did anybody have an idea or is there a way to preload automatically the DAC960 driver reproducing the way it is done by booting the CD, perhaps using lilo, but I don't know how. Best Regards Gilles -- Gilles Poulleau, responsable informatique. Laboratoire de Physique des Solides, Bātiment 510, Orsay Tel : 01 69 15 60 77 Fax : 01 69 15 60 86