
I have 2 questions here...

I'm getting some SCSI disks that I may decide/need to put them in a RAID
later on.
I am wondering whether I will be able to preserve all the data on the SCSI
disks when I convert them to RAID, or will conversion to RAID mean that I'll
have to lose data on those disks and put it back on the RAID after the

If I get 2 disks and put them into RAID-0 (striping) what happens when I
decide to add another (3rd) disk to the setup?
Does the data automatically migrate from disks 1 and 2 onto 3 so that it is
evenly spread accross all 3 disks, or would I have to do that manually
somehow, or is this a bad thing to do and I should just buy all disks that I
think I will need right away?
Any advice?



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