On Sun, 19 Dec 1999, jeremy smith wrote:

> I am new to RAID and I want to use a hardware solution for a very disk 
> intensive application on my Dual P2. I have found several vendors who carry 
> Linux drivers for their Ultra2 products: DPT Decade PM1554U2, Mylex 
> AccelRAID 150/250, ICP Vortex GDT6518RD, Syred Cruiser. However, none of the 
> drivers seem to be offered in the kernel distribution, but rather as binary 
> modules. Also, the drivers are only advertised as working with kernel 
> 2.0/2.2. As I require kernel 2.3.30+ for >2GB filesize, I am skeptical to 

Since the Mylex and ICP RAID card drivers _are_ distributed with Linus's
kernel source, binary-only drivers aren't an issue with them, and they
should be included with the 2.3.x kernels since they've been in the
standard kernel source since late 2.0.x.

 Jon Lewis *[EMAIL PROTECTED]*|  Spammers will be winnuked or 
 System Administrator        |  nestea'd...whatever it takes
 Atlantic Net                |  to get the job done.
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