> I am trying to use the X windows systems for the first time.  I am using
> the NCD package on my PC as the server.  I find if I run individual
> programs like xterm on my linux box, it works just fine, openning a window
> on my pc.

> What I was hoping to be able to do, was to see the entire
> gnome/enlightment desktop within a window on my PC.  So far I am not able
> to make that work.  Apparnently, these windows managers are setup so only
> one can run at a time.

No. I can run two window managers on one PC even without remote X server
(with two local X servers :-). I never tried to use NCD package but I
used X terminals and was able to get full gnome/snlightenment desktop there.

> And since there is one running on my linux (attached) monitor, I can't get
> another one to run over X to my PC.

It's not so. You CAN run more then one window manager instances. I think
NCD has some built-in windows manager and so you can not use your own window
manager (like Enlightenment) then. You can start GNOME panel and such, though
(just fire xterm and start all gnome goodies from there).

> Am I trying to do the impossible, or is there a trick to making this work?

God knows. I'm know nothing about Winblows X servers.

> Also, does anyone have a recommendation for a MS Windows Xserver, or is
> NCD the best choice?


P.S. Why this message is here ? How it's related to linux-kernel at all ?

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